Alright friends, it's time for the final edition of my Halloween series: Scary Moments in My Life.
This last one isn't exactly from my life personally, but I've heard the story first-hand. Get ready to be freaked out.
This story took place in a small town in Kansas called Bucyrus. Throughout this small town, a story began circulating about a crazy man seen on the side of the road in a long white robe. No one could say for sure whether he was real or a ghost. Typically, he was seen while the local high school kids were driving around at night, so no one thought it wise to pull over and take a good look.
My story follows one boy in particular. It was in the middle of his senior year when he began hearing about this supposed crazy man wandering around Bucyrus at night. Typically, he's not one to believe silly high school ghost stories, but those he talked to seemed to be telling the truth.
One night, he was spending time with his girlfriend. She was quite the catch: a year older, athletic and cute. They hopped in his old yellow truck for a night drive. He had a gravel driveway that turned into a road. It was on that gravel road that they saw him, where the headlights met the darkness. There were no street lights on that old gravel road, so there was absolutely no light other than that of the headlights. Just as everyone described him, he looked as though he was crazy and was dressed in a long white robe. As they drove nearer he appeared to be waving down the young couple to stop for him.
Naturally, the girlfriend was yelling "Don't you dare stop for this man!" The young boy decides that the man in the white robe was either going to move over or get run over and starts to accelerate. As they drew even nearer, the boy swears that the man's eyes were glowing. As though he realizes the truck isn't going to pull over for him, he steps out of the road and allows them to pass.
That was the last known sighting of the man in the white robe. To this day, no one knows if he was real or a ghost. But, years after the incident, he still claims that was the most scared he's ever been. You don't believe me? Ask my parents, they were the young couple.