I struggle with this one. It's not that I don't think encouraging thoughts or appreciate people, but I'm just not sentimental or affectionate. As embarrassing as it is for me to admit, I have a hard time saying 'I love you' to even my parents. It doesn't mean that I don't love them or truly appreciate all they've done for me - there's just something about my personality that has a hard time feeling comfortable expressing my emotions. My parents are actually amazing. In fact, my entire family has been a source of encouragement my whole life.
I don't think there's a person in this photo who hasn't been encouraging throughout the years. I have a definite memory of each person in my family of a time they've said something that's been encouraging and timely. |
They raised me with all the love a child could ask for - even though at times I felt as though I was misunderstood and treated unfairly. (only because I'm the middle child and act like a typical middle child). The truth is they raised me in love to be able to love, so I don't really know why I have a hard time living up to this verse:
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
I have been so blessed this past month by encouraging words. I can definitely tell that I've come a long way in the fact that I'm able to accept a compliment and allow it to bless me in the way it should. I can always tell when the Lord is trying to teach me a lesson because he will literally submerse me with people who force me to be comfortable with it. He has surrounded me with friends who are building me up and speaking life over me - especially in certain areas of life. I've had to step out in faith over and over again in the area of worship, but He's provided me with some amazing people who are always there to build me up.
Lyns was actually the one who first kind of pushed me into joining choir and has been there every step of the way. |
Crystal is amazing at speaking truth and life over me when I'm feeling inadequate. I'm so grateful for some of the things she has said to me. |
Ileia has an interesting way of not even acknowledging the possibility that I could fail. It's quite refreshing. | |
Jenn also has a very refreshing approach to encouragement - she calls it like she sees it. I never have to wonder if she really means what she's saying because she doesn't believe in sugar-coating. |
The Lord has also brought me to a ministry that I immediately felt was home. I had been looking for a way to get involved with youth again and He pretty much placed
Rush Franklin in my lap. From the second I walked into that room, I've been encouraged time and time again by some pretty amazing people.
I've been so encouraged by Rob and Samantha's heart for the youth. Their passion drives me to continue to press into my passion. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who has encouraged me as often and sincerely as Rob does. |
Rob and Samantha aren't even the only ones who have been encouraging (although they are encouraging enough to last me a while) but the other leaders are as well.
Lindsay was kind of an unexpected friend. I didn't really know her well, but the first day I showed up she was one of the first people to come up to me and make me feel at home. I've been so blessed by her friendship this past month just in how quickly we've bonded and how easy it is to laugh together. |
Justin is another one who was quick to invite me into the Rush family. I've known Justin for a long time but never really spent much time with him until recently. I've enjoyed getting to know him better and sharing a passion for learning God's word and reaching the youth. | |
Something that surprised me the most was how encouraging the students are. They seriously make it so incredibly easy to love on them because they are so quick to give love. Here are just some of the students that I've had a blast getting to know and am so excited to see where God takes these relationships.
Maddie and Gracie are always rushing up to me with encouraging words that I cherish more than I think they even realize. |
Talia and Brenna - they are hilarious. I LOVE their sense of humor! |
Some of the Rush students. |
This is really just a glimpse into the people God has put in my life for this season of building up. As I reflect on these people and the difference they've made in my life, I'm challenged to be that for others. I want to be someone who can openly share love and encouragement because we're called to do so.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8
Jessica....very well written! You are a very special, unique, sweet, intelligent, lovely, empathatic, middle child and I KNOW you can accomplish anything you set your mind and heart to do!
ReplyDeleteI've loved watching you grow into the wonderful young professional woman that you are!
You are loved more than I have words to tell you!