
The Beginning

Do you ever write a word and think that there is no way that's correct? I totally just did that with the word "beginning," but it is, in fact, correct.

Moving on, this is clearly my first blog. I've been tossing around the idea of starting a blog for a while now. Writing is absolutely one of my passions, so it only makes sense, right? Well, one issue with me is that I need to be original, so I've been waiting for a brilliant theme for a blog. But after spending the first part of my day with my wonderful friend peekle, she convinced me to just start one and see where it goes. Therefore, the second part of this blog shall be dedicated to the one and only Katie Evelyn Lewis (formerly Dodge).

But first, I feel as though I need to explain my blog title. Next stage of life: reckless abandon. I've always been the kind of person that has to analyze every decision I make. Like a ridiculous amount. It's led to missed opportunities, frustrations and regret and I'm just not ok with that now. I moved back to the Franklin/Nashville area in May, started an awesome job and officially graduated from UTC in August, so what better time to change my way of living than now? I've really only recently really started listening to God (it's crazy how much He talks to us, but we don't know because we aren't really listening) and He has kind of blown my mind with how much He has for me that I didn't think I could do. For instance: song writing. I'm still working on claiming that one, but it ties into the title. For a month or so, the word "abandon" kept floating in my head. At first I ignored it, but then I started praying about it, and God showed me that it's my new theme in life. I'm supposed to completely abandon myself to Him. Stop worrying about the consequences. Just follow Him. So, after really mediating on that word, God told me to write a song about it. So I did. And I actually kinda like it. And then I tattooed the word on my wrist because I love tattoos. A lot.

Now about my dear friend.

I have been close with Katie since junior year and she is seriously one of the most amazing people I have ever met. I wouldn't trade the memories I have with her for anything.

At all. Ever.

Since we spent a good portion of the day together, she wrote about me in her blog today and I love that she knows me well enough to not even try to describe me. Those who truly know me, know that trying to describe me is just stupid. It's not possible. I don't make sense.
At any rate, Katie has been a constant in my life for six years now and it's not going to change any time soon. We don't get to spend as much time together as I would like, but she is the kind of person that I know will be there for me if I ever need anything. There are very few people in the world that I get legit stoked to see, and Katie is one of those people.

I realize that's a random picture and doesn't really go with the dialogue, but I don't really care because I love snow. And peekle.

So today we kicked it old school with fajitas for lunch, grocery store trip and dying Katie's hair.
 I totally stole those photos straight from Katie's blog, but I don't even care.

One of the things I love about Katie is how we never get tired of talking about God. We can talk about the great things He has done for us forever, but I also love that we can go straight from talking about God to talking about the latest guy in our lives. Well, really in my life now since she is married and wont be having any new guys.

But anyway, I love her and was blessed to be a part of her special day this April.
I also love that she eats taco bell all the time. Even on her wedding day.

This concludes the end of my first blog. Thanks for reading. You should totally follow my blog and make me feel special. I'll follow yours if you follow mine!!

Song of the night: The Avett Brothers: Kick Drum Heart

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